Tuesday 29 November 2011


To do...

We need to find a Bible that we are able to burn for our film. This possibly involves buying one off amazon!

next thing to do will be to sort out our main characters, by taking different test shot. Test shots also need to be taken of lots of different types of churches, and the inside of the house. Other locations like gardens and empty rooms need to be taken.
The inside of the house we're using for our piece needs to be emptied before we can film to make sure that the house looks like someone's jut moved in.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Narrative Ideas For A Film

1. In terms of characters we should mainly focus on a man and a woman, in their mid 20s. As the psychological films we watched focused on two characters of the opposite sex, who were normally a new married couple. One character (usually the male) doesn't believe in the strange events that happen, he just seems to use shrug off most bizarre events. Whereas the woman worries a lot and tries to find a source to the events (Paranormal Activity 2). There is normally a child or baby included too as a victim quite commonly like in 'Insidious' or 'Paranormal Activity'.

2. Most openings were the characters moving into a new environment where they are not fully familiar with their surroundings. Therefore they are more vulnerable, such as in Paranormal Activity they have just settled in a new house and straight away strange things begin to happen. Where as in the orphanage, an image of an old fashioned children playing in the garden, images of twisted scarecrows in the garden give the impression that its not as happy as it seems. Classical music is playing in the background, as it slowly build momentum and tension in the audience.

3. Costumes in psychological films tend to be pretty basic and casual. In 'Insidious' and 'Paranormal Activity' the family are just trying to live a normal life so naturally they wear normal clothes. This is a common technique in psychological films because it makes the viewer believe that everything is normal until strange events unfold and you instantly realise that something paranormal is happening. So clothing is basic, casual to make the audience realise who are the victims.

4. The lighting and setting in the films we watched was dark most of the time too create fear. The threat most commonly happens at night therefore there isn't a lot of lighting. The setting is quite commonly inside a house or in 'The Orphanage' obviously it is in an orphanage.

Psychological horror film wordle

Wordle's of three films plots.

Here are our Wordle's from the plots of 'The Orphanage', 'Paranormal Activity', 'Insidious'.

Paranormal Activity:

The Orphanage:

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Kyle Cooper title designer

Kyle Cooper considers a great title sequence is for that the title sequence flows into the film. The font provides information for the film such as in 'Seven' the font was a scruffy handwriting style which made the audience understand that the film has a rough edge too it. As there is a serial killer writing messily into books and sticking in pictures.
You can use metaphor and theme to help create your title sequence by using conventions in the sub genre to tell you about the film.

Threat Title Sequence

Title Sequence Sheet

Seven Titles Sequences

How does the title sequence introduce us to the character in seven and what do we know about the character?

From the opening titles, the character has been portrayed to be quite ritualistic and maybe quite obsessive by the way that they shaves of their fingertips with a razor so they can be sure that no evidence is left on whatever they are making. The character seems to be creating a sinister shrine that includes a lot of unusual clippings of text and images.

What shot types are dominant and why?

The shot types that were the most dominant would probably be the constant action of the character writing and editing the shrine in close up, so that their face isn't seen. This creates a mystery about the character.

What editing and font has been used and why?

The font and editing flow into each other people they're quite rough and untidy. This gives us the impression that even though the character is organized in what they are creating, their thoughts might be unclear or scattered around in messy way.

Kyle's textual analysis homework

Ben's textual analysis homework

Paige's textual analysis homework

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Final coursework group

The group we're are in consists of three members:
Kyle Nequest
Ben Bushell
Paige Smith

We all picked Psychological as our preferred sub genre and have similar movie interests therefore we decided we would make a good group.

We are picking psychological for our film to make as we find psychological films very popular nowadays and seem to scare many people. We also think it will be fun to make a psychological film because we enjoy them types of films.