Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Question 3 Production company logos

 The typeface of this text has been selected too represent wounds and blood, this would tell the audience that the production team perhaps, specialises in horror films. This is symbolised by the colour of the font being red. The background being a gothic castle portrays the classic idea of a haunting and old horrors.
The main text has been displayed in the middle of the page, which is over lapping the image in the background. This draws the audiences attention to the writing first and then the image behind. It is instantly establishing the theme of horror and definitely setting the tone for an old style horror film to follow such as 'Dracula' or 'Frankenstein'. This logo isn't very good for modern horrors.

 This logo is very simplistic and almost sophisticated. The font being in a formal golden font imply to the audience that the film has been made by a high-end production company. The black background with the simple writing and logo be easily memorable. The complex golden shape above the text is very iconic and would be recognisable to many audiences as 'Legendary Pictures' because of the logo above.
This is image, like the other is displayed in the centre so it grabs the attention of the viewers. This logo doesn't really strike out as establishing any theme in particular, this logo is almost given as a general logo as this company obviously wouldn't just specify in one theme such as comedy or horror. But the sophistication and bold theme of this logo sets the right tone as I believe as a viewer the film to follow will be very well made and very professional.

This logo is very striking and appealing to the viewer. The typeface used is quite regular and casual but not perfectly proportioned or all equal height unlike the above photo, colour used is quite regular grey and almost brown for the barbed wire wrapping the text. This keeps it very simple and down to earth, the black background helps the logo stand out much more as it wouldn't stand out very well with a coloured background. The spike in the middle is very iconic as it very big and eye catching for the audience, the way the barbed wire is wrapped and twisted around the title fits with the actual name of the title 'Twisted Pictures'. Composition is used very well as the barbed wire and spike are both placed very well and instantly stand out and becoming instantly recognisable as 'Twisted Pictures'. The theme of this logo instantly lets the viewer know that the coming feature is most definitely going to be a horror film and brings quite a dark, eerie mood to the viewer.

This logo is very striking and bold, this is because of many aspects such as the typeface. The typeface is very big, bold and square, it stands out to the audience it is almost very serious as a font. Like 'Legendary Pictures' it is quite a sophisticated and smart title. This makes the viewer instantly recognise 'Lionsgate' to be a big company and for the following feature to be very well made. Mainly the colours used are dark reds, orange and grey. The dark red could be representing that the following feature is going to be a horror as red is used for blood and evil a lot in horror films, the dark corners also suggest that the following feature may be quite dark and mysterious. The layout is simple as the title is big and bold in the middle surrounded by dark red clouds, this makes the title very iconic as almost straightaway the logo is recognisable without even properly reading the text. The logo establishes the scary horror theme and the stone coloured text suggests the realism and seriousness of the company and sets quite a mysterious tone almost making the audience wonder what the coming feature is going to be like.

This is our film production company logo, we took inspiration from the Twister Pictures logo. This is because both production companies release the same genre of films. Twisted Pictures being famous for producing the SAW films.
The background for our logo is completely black, showing conveying a fear of unknowing and uncertainty. The name of our company is in capital letters in the same way the other posters have. The font is a smudged and distorted, which could represent desperation and disregard.


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