Tuesday 20 December 2011

Lighting Experiments

This is using just the key light which creates dark shadows and looks quite evil which is good to create the mood for a horror film. It would be a good type of lighting to use in the house for our horror film as it creates quite a dark mood and puts the audience in the right mood for a horror film.
This is using the key light and the fill light which makes the lighting very even with hardly any shadows but makes it also very dull and boring. It makes the character blend into the background too much.
 Here is all 3 lights used (Key light, Fill light and back light) which creates makes the character stand out a lot and makes the character feel very important in the scene. It also has minimum shadows and is very evenly lit, this type of lighting is good to show happiness which is not so good for a horror film.
 This picture is using the back light only, this creates a lot of shadows on the face and makes the character look very important. This type of lighting isn't that good for our horror film as it wouldn't look right in a house.
 This type of lighting is using the key light and the back light and it creates some good shadows and defines the face more. It gives a sign of importance which is good for a horror film because it makes the scene look a bit gritty and dark.
 This scene is lit by the fill light on the left and a back light, it makes the character almost look like he has two sides because half of his face is dark while the other is lit well. This is good for showing emotions as the shadows are very sharp and express facial emotions a lot more.


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