Tuesday 13 December 2011

Makeup & Costume for our characters!

When dressing the female in our film, we will put her in white in the same way this victim has, to represent purity of the character. This way the audience will feel sympathy when she starts to get haunted. Also, to make her look frightened during the film, we will add some pale powder to her face. This will show that she has lost all the life and colour from her face that she had in the beginning. 
The actress will be blonde and young, showing that perhaps she isn't psychically strong, and wouldn't be able to fend for herself. This is appropriate for this type of horror film, as it follows the conventions as one in the media today.
The male character will be dressed plainly too, to show that he's a nice guy. Not as much camera time will be spent on him, so there wont be much make-up use on him.


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