Thursday 20 October 2011

Assessment Film - Ben Bushell & Kyle Nequest

This is our 30 second re-make of the film 'Pendant'.
It's strengths are that some shots had really good composition yet other shots didn't. Our last shot was well composed as it was in a tight area and the ghostly character was a lot more visible than the other shot. We also had a few camera problems such as accidently pressing zoom while recording, angling the shots right, moving the camera into the low shot and stopping recording too early. 

We also had limited time so we had to rush some shots and didn't have chance to film everything twice and achieve full coverage. It was a public area therefore many members of the public got in the way of shots and made it harder for us to film. It was also extremely windy which affected the noise on the video and made it distort. We should of thought about our storyboard more as it was hard to follow on the day, the original film doesn't make a lot of sense because we didn't watch the video enough times to understand every shot. We also picked quite a boring section of the film which doesn't tell much of the story. 

We also forgot to focus the camera on a lot of shots for example in the shot where the ghostly character walks tree to tree it is hard to see who or what it is because it was pixelated. Next time we film we will make sure we have more time and to film every shot twice to get maximum coverage. We will also draw and write out our storyboards in more detail. 


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