Thursday 6 October 2011

Practical Continuity & Coverage Preliminary Excercise

Today we filmed a Practical Continuity & Coverage Preliminary Exercise by filming a short sequence of a character walking down a corridor and asking another character what time it is using various camera angles and shots.
We achieved seamless editing as the film doesn't jump and plays smoothly with good continuity. By using the skills we learnt last week we remembered to double check all the scenes and make sure that we hadn't left any scenes out at all. We framed all of our shots and angles correctly such as mid-shots, over the shoulder shots and close ups. We included the right amount of shots that we planned to film. It could be improved by possibly making sure that the character is in the exact same place as the last shot so it looks even smoother, also a better location could improve the film. 

-Ben Bushell & Kyle Nequest


Foundation Portfolio said...

The composition of our OSS shots could of been improved because there was a lot of space on the opposite side to the character and you could see too much of the corridor. It made the character look quite small.

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