Monday 31 October 2011

Self Evaluation - Kyle Nequest

Use Of Camera:
I think our use of camera was quite good, as all the shots were steady because we used a tripod. All our shots were framed appropriately, we also used a variety of shot types such as close ups, long shots and low angle shots. Our use of composition was average and could of been improved by thinking of the 'Rule of Thirds' a bit more when composing a shot.

Use Of Editing:
Our use of continuity is okay but not great as not all the shots flow smoothly as we had to cut some bits where we didn't film for long enough and just had to remove the shot, but apart from that the majority of the film has a nice flow. We didn't use any transitions to put our shots together as most transitions look cheesey and would of ruined the flow, also there wasn't any in the clip we were re-making therefore we didn't need to use them.

Selection Of Content:
I think we chose the appropriate costume as we didn't need make-up or many props for our clip as the original actor was dressed fairly normal. I believe our choice of location was quite good and similar to some shots in the original clip. I think the actor was okay as he only had to run and not do much acting therefore it wasn't very hard.

I helped contribute to the film by doing most of the editing and helping out with setting up shots by following the storyboard, I also was the only actor in the film. We could of improved the film by taking more time and setting shots up a lot better and making sure that we film enough content and get 100% coverage as we ended some of our recordings too early. We could of also picked a more exciting film to record as the section we picked was quite dull and uninformative. When I come to do my final coursework film I will make sure I think out everything by taking more time on storyboards and setting up shots. I will also make sure I film everything twice so I have lots of clips to work with in case some mess up or have horrible background sounds. I will also make sure my final coursework film is a lot more exciting.

-Kyle Nequest


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