Saturday 29 October 2011

Assignment For Our Film Re-make - Ben Bushell

I would say that as I was the camera man, I used the tripod to keep the shots steady. So the camera wasn't all over the place. I think that we could frame a shot appropriately because we used our story board and got our shots in as well as we could. We used a variety of shots, like the reverse shot and low angle shot. We used composition techniques like the rule of third, and put hardly any space in some shots.

Some of the shots flow together, we missed out a couple of shots so it doesn't make sense. We didn't use any transitions accept from fade out for the end.

We didn't need costume, props or make up. We used an appropriate location for our re-make because it had places where we needed our shots to be. Our actor (Kyle Nequest) just had to run around so he was appropriate for our re-make.

I helped finish our film by drawing the story board, picking the location and I was the camera man. We could have watched the original film before re-making because we missed a few shots. Also I could have angled some shots correctly, and shot every shot twice for more coverage. Next time when it comes to coursework films I will angle shots correctly and get each shot more coverage. To make sense to the audience of what we are doing.


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