These images below show how our film has used, developed and challenged forms and conventions of existing media products.
This logo follows the stereotypical features of a psychological horror such as the main colour used is red which tends to represent blood in horrors and evil. Black is also used because horrors are dark and mysterious, the font used looks quite traditional almost but the ends of the letters are slightly split and twisted to probably represent evil and horror. The title is very large on the screen to almost jump out at you, the text is also written in capitals to maybe suggest realism and seriousness.
This is our logo for our film, it follows stereotypical features of quite a scary dripping horror look. It is not that similar to the Insidious title though. However it still gives off the same obvious message that the film is a horror, it still uses dark colours and quite striking text. The text here is also in capitals to suggest realism and seriousness of the film.

These titles are from 'Sixth Sense' and follow a very stereotypical psychological horror sequence, the text is again in capitals and there is also an old monochrome background of a city. There is also a black vignette around the video to create the mystery and a slight sense of the unknown. The font used is quite crooked and slightly odd looking, the text is also in white to match the black and white theme of the sequence.
These are the titles for our film which follow stereotypical horror conventions as the text is capitalised and quite different looking. The visuals are also an old book that is being blown about in the wind which follows stereotypical psychological horrors which usually show strange objects in strange locations.

This picture is of a character out of Insidious and this image instantly shows that the film is a psychological horror, this is because firstly you can notice the lighting is used from below and creates deep shadows on the face to show possible stress or worry on the character possibly because of surroundings. Secondly the woman looks quite serious and almost as if she is looking at something evil. The woman is also dressed as far as we can see in normal clothes which is the stereotypical costume of a psychological horror for the victims.

Here in our film you can see straightaway this film is a horror due to the lighting causing dark shadows on the characters face showing clear scared and worried emotion. This character also looks like she has possibly seen or is about to find something quite evil and scary. She is dressed quite normally as most victims are in psychological horrors.
This image clearly shows that the character shown is an evil character, this is shown by the use of pale white make-up and dark around the eyes. The use of costume also shows that this character is an evil woman as it is wearing a dress with a weird veil covering the characters face. The candle the character is holding also creates dark shadows on the characters face creating an evil look. This is not always the stereotypical look for a psychological horror enemy. But it does relate to some psychological demons and ghosts.
In our film we didn't actually show a clear shot of our threat or evil character as it was more psychological within the house and not necessarily visible. Our main threat was inside the cupboard where strange noises and sounds were coming from. You could tell this was evil due to the sound editing we added and the tension built up to opening the cupboard.

This image is a perfect example of stereotypical mise en scene for a psychological horror film containing demons. As you can see there is very dark and moody lighting in the room creating dark corners and mysterious shapes. The room is a stereotypical boy's bedroom which would be considered very normal as stereotypically in psychological horrors the victim's lives are normal until the plot unfolds. There is almost a strange demon shaped figure in the corner reaching out for the boy which gives a great sense of danger to the scene. There is also hospital equipment being used as props to show possibly pain and unease, this makes the audience believe there is something already not so right about the boy in the bed.
Here is a good example of mise en scene as This shows the audience that this film is about moving into a house that's being haunted, which is a typical theme from psychological horrors of today.The rule of thirds is also used here as the threat is in the thirds line showing the audience that this character walking past is significant to the movie.
I chose this key image because I believe it shows the stereotypical couple from many psychological horror films, as you can see the woman looks very worried from her facial expression and the man is seen to be trying to keep the woman calm with a slightly worried look himself. The costumes used are very casual normal clothes as are the couple. This is seen to be very common in modern psychological horrors as the victims are seen to be normal people to show things can happen to anyone.
This key image shows the main victim from our film, we were originally going to use a couple in our film but we had to make changes due to not being able to get the right actors. But a young female is very stereotypical of psychological horrors as they are commonly chosen to play as the victims in many of todays horrors. Here she looks very vulnerable and alone with a slightly confused and worried look.
I chose this key image as I believe it is very shocking image from the psychological horror 'Insidious' and shows the evil happening to the normal everyday family. As you can see the bed sheets have been torn and stained with blood in the shapes of hand prints. The boy on the floor looks like the main victim here and is unconscious on the floor while his parents are trying to make sure he is okay. This is a very stereotypical situation in a psychological horror containing a family as the most vulnerable (the youngest) is usually targeted as the audience normally care more for children.
This key image from our film shows our character about to be shocked by what she sees in the cupboard. This a good jump scare yet the audience don't actually see what is in the cupboard which keeps the audience thinking of what could be in there. They have to presume the worst by the emotion that is about to be shown on the victim's face.
This shot is very important i think as it shows the very normal looking father from insidious being almost mocked by as we can see the evil character in the story. The make-up used on the demon is very striking colours; red and black. Which are usaully represented as evil colours for example red can mean blood and black is dark and mysterious, the unknown. This shot is very striking and is used to shock the audience in the film with a slight jump-scare. Which is a very common way to scare the audience in psychological horrors.
I think this shot is a key image as it shows the victim being teased or mocked by the threat by it walking past the window and making the victim go to the window yet not seeing anything or anyone. This is very common in many modern day psychological horrors as the main threats tend to lead the victims onto places or do things they may not want to.

I chose this image as a key image as I believe it is a very stereotypical view on psychological horrors, the mother is standing in the dark room shocked by what must be something evil that the mother did not expect. The lighting used in this creates quite a mysterious feeling and a sense of the unknown. The camera is mainly focused on her to show the audience that she is very important in this shot and should be noticed to show the audience that something bad has happened. There is also a man holding technical equipment in the background to make the shot even more mysterious and for the audience to think 'what is going on?' this is a good use of props and backing up the ideology of modern psychological horrors.
I chose this image because like above I believe this is a very important part of our film and very stereotypical in psychological horrrors. The victim has just opened the cupboard and has almost a shocked expression because the victims face is almost blank in shock. The lighting causes a very dark feel to the shot and gives off the impression something very evil is inside the cupboard. This makes the audience think and try to guess what horrible thing could of been inside.