Wednesday 11 January 2012

Kyle Nequest - Previous Student Work Assessment

It has a good range of shots and the sound has been used well to create a lot of fear by using unusual bass sounds and screeches to make the viewer seem nervous and slightly paranoid as to what's going to happen. It flows quite well as the story seems to make good sense.

The film doesn't exactly look like a horror film straightaway without obviously knowing that it is one, it's only about half way through it becomes recognizable as a horror film. Framing wasn't taken into a lot of consideration as the rule of thirds could of been followed much better on some shots yet they weren't.

Mark: 44/60

This films strengths were the way sound was used to create fear such as the creepy childrens song that plays twice in the clip and the banging sounds. This film is instantly identifiable as a horror because of the sudden start of a girl screaming.

This film has many weaknesses such as the really bad flow of continuity, it's really hard to understand what is going on in the film as the end of the clip seems to just be a replay of the start. Framing wasn't really took into consideration with the odd decent shot with okay framing, Mise en Scene wasn't that good as the visuals weren't very interesting and seemed very bland. The clip doesn't have a big range of shots as it's mainly just Mid shots and close ups from eye level with the occasional high angle.

Mark: 29/60


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