Wednesday 11 January 2012

Ben Bushell Previous Student Work Assessment

I think that the strengths in this film were that it was recognised as a horror film easily and it has a good range of shots like mid shots, close ups and long shots. It also flows really well as the story makes sense, Sound is used well to create fear by using an eerie piano song in the background.

I think the weaknesses were that the film seemed to cut off at the end by just saying 2 weeks before abduction and that's it. It seemed unfinished.

Mark: 55/60

The main strength in this film was the Mise en Scene, the visuals were great and the location was really good. There was also a good use of shots and camera angles, the story was flowed quite well and continuity was good. It was easily recognisable as a horror from the creepy title sequence.

Some weaknesses were that sound wasn't used enough to create fear in the film and framing could of been a little bit better as there isn't much use of the rule of thirds when it was possible.

Mark: 45/60


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