Wednesday 11 January 2012

Paige Smith Marking Previous Student Work

The films weaknesses were mainly that the sound effects weren't used very well for example when the girl was being cut up it seemed really fake and the Mise en Scene wasn't too great for that part.

The Strengths in this clip were that it was a typical horror film so it was easily recognized and it had a good flow of continuity. The music was used well to create fear throughout and the framing was taken into good consideration.

Mark: 48/60

This film didn't have many weaknesses, the only main weakness was that it seemed slightly strange there already being a ladder into the dark loft laid out.

This film has many strengths such as how easily it is to tell that it's a horror film and it is really well framed as the rule of thirds is used in many shots. Mise en Scene is really good as there is many visuals that keep the film interesting throughout and the sound created fear instantly as screeching violins and spooky voices ran throughout the film.

Mark: 53/60


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