This is a sample poster, made from a still from the film. This will not be used in promoting the film, it was just something that helped us get an idea of what we would like for our final poster. The things we liked was having the threat as the main subject, it being at a low angle and having trees or woodland in the background, also the fonts.

Our final poster that we have chosen to promote our film with shall appeare in cinemas, on buses, phone boxes and in magazines. This is where a lot of the film promotion posters i have seen to feauture the most frequently. The poster has had a lot more work go into it, for example special effects and extra details.
Our advertisements including trailors would be feautured on prime time telly vision, and before films of the same age rating in cinemas so to grab the wider audience range. Durring this time and places, the more people will be seeing the advertisements, therefore getting more viewers.
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