The Others (12)
The Others is rated a 12, this is probably because the themes of the film only contain mild horror. There are no scenes of strong violence or nudity, which would normally increase the rating. This film is a thriller, it does not contain any frightening images. The horror is stemmed from the build up, background music and lighting which creates a sense of unknowing.
Paranormal Activity (15)
Paranormal Activity contains stronger themes of haunting. This shows scenes of actual horror, for example possession, poltergeist activity and intense levels of distress of the victims. However, it does not have any sexual content or scene of violence or mutilation, therefore it doesn't have and 18 age rating.The Grudge (15)
The Grudge is a film based on the idea of a ghost seeking revenge. The film shows the threat to be of a sinister appearance, stalking its victims which could be seen as frightening. Through out the film we do not see the victims dyeing in a way that displays high levels of gore. There are also no sexual themes and nudity within this film.
SAW (18)
The SAW films however contain, themes of stalking, high levels of gore, violence, torture, suffering and nudity. Therefore this film is deemed to be an 18. The main plot is for victims to free themselves from death by torturing themselves, here we see scenes of people cutting off there own body parts, burning and stabbing themselves.
Hostel is a film that consolidates all the themes of an 18 rated film. Within the film, scenes of torture and torment, sex and nudity and the threat is displayed in a frightening way. The main idea is to mutilate people to harbor their body parts.
Guidelines and Classifications from BBFC horror that is in this certificate is allowed as long as the themes are moderate and its infrequent throughout the film. Other guidelines that the film has to follow include minor details in violence and sexual themes, not glamourising the use of drugs or giving instructional detail and explicit langauge must be rare and infrequent.
The horror content in a film thats been rated a 15 is allowed to have a stronge menacing threat,as long as this is not sexualised or sadistic in anyway. Drug use is allowed to be shown but shouldn't be promoted, stronge gorey images are not allowed but the use of frequent strong language is acceptable.

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