The Others is rated a 12, this shows that the film obviously doesn't contain any very scary threats and that there are no scenes of strong violence, sex or nudity. As this film is classed as a thriller it has no actual frightening images. The film is more a sense of the unknown and a building of tension caused by lighting, music and build up. IMDb shows that this film is watched by a very large audience ranging from 12-45+ I believe the film was created on purpose for a large audience so they could make a lot of profit and let people of many ages enjoy the film.

Paranormal Activity is rated a 15 as it shows a lot more disturbing images and violence. This film is mainly hantings therefore it will show many threats and quite evil characters and scenes of possession. Although is has no scenes of sex, violence or mutilation therefore it is not an 18. The target audience I believe for this film because it is a psychological horror will be around 15-30 year olds male and female.
The Human Centipede is rated an 18 because it shows disturbing scenes of violence, mutilation and high levels of gore and torture. The plot of the film is three people who are surgically attached to eachother against their own will and then tortured and ordered around like slaves. It is a very disturbing film which is quite rightly rated an 18. IMDb shows people aged around 18-29 watched this film the most and surprisingly a lot more males than females watched and rated this film, therefore from this information I believe the film was aged at people aged around 18-29 and mainly males because stereotypically they watch gorey films a lot more than females.

SAW contains high levels of gore, violence, torture and suffering. Much like Human Centipede therefore it also rated an 18. The main plot of the this film is victims have to play the 'game' which usually contains self harming to win and if they win they are freed but at the cost of usually losing a limb. If they lose they are brutally killed by the mechanical contraptions the main evil character has created. SAW is very similar to The Human Centipede in IMDb user ratings as many more males watched the film than females and again the film was most likely aimed at 18-29 year olds as they seemed to rate it a lot more than other ages.
Insidous contains quite evil scenes of demons and poltergeists. The film is mainl about hauntings much like Paranormal Activity yet it is said to be quite scarier. Yet it doesn't contain any scenes of sex, violence, nudity, torture or gore. Therefore it is classed as a 15. The target audience I believe for this film because it is a psychological horror will be around 15-30 year olds male and female.
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