There are two themes in which we have chosen to base the credits for our film on.The first one is an ominus character lurking in deserted locations.
These stills from the credits represent suburban darkness in, a subway, church and woods. There is a figure stalking these images, making the audience feel watched and perhaps panicked. This figure is wearing black, their face is hiden, making them seem mysterious and perhaps evil. All the areas look seclude, which should make the audinece feel unerved when they spot somebody acting suspiciously.
However, the second theme of our credits is ruin and neglect. The doll is to symbolise the innocence of children and how its come to be neglected and discarded. There's mud and plants encasing it, showing how its gone to ruin, the audience may possibly feel as though something strange is happening.
The book makes is filmed at a high angle, suggesting that this hold some power and significance. This book is also featured in the opeing of the film, the strange occurences begin when this book is found in the box. The wind flickers through the pages and the audience may interpret this as ghostly.
The final image shows a tap dripping, this gives off an airy sound. The sink is half full, which shows this has been happening for a while, this could raise the question of why hasn't it been turned off. The audience my find this image strange, and that this place has been abandoned to fall into ruin .
The music used in the film creates tension and build up, the use of strings makes the clip seem airy. This music is frequent all the way through the film, louder in the credits and dropping in volume into the opening of the film. The audience should feel the constant tension in the air from this, that the threat is always there, represented in the music.
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